Music I love

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

~::~ On my to do list ~::~

Everyone is back to work today.

The songs of Birdy are on repeat.

I never like this first week of January.

All the twinkle lights come down and the glitter

seems to disappear.

I've much to do,

the house needs a good tidy up and so does my sewing.

However the poet and songbird in me wants to write first :)

I've  made a decision to keep sewing Christmas projects.

Did I ever get around to showing you my finished chickens?

Here they are ... and sorry it's such a poor shot.

I'm starting a photography course this month so hopefully things will improve. :)

I don't like the cream border. 

I was in a rush at the framers, getting three pieces all framed at once.

I think the cream is too light and robs my sewing of it's true colour.

Ah well, lesson learned.

Next, I think I'll start with this.

I had to buy the threads from the wonderful Sewandso as my local supplier 

( the * only * supplier in this God forsaken city ) didn't carry them.


When I looked at them yesterday they seem a little too * pink*  compared to the finished pattern.

I might just write to Zaza first to confirm I have the right threads.

But first...

this house won't wait a second longer.

Have a great day sewing everyone 

Love and stitches and Birdy songs,

Anita xxxx


  1. Happy New Year Anita! I love the chickens, though what do you mean 'I'm starting a photography course... so hopefully things will start to improve'? I've seen enough of your work to know that you are an amazing photographer :) But I know that there's always room for improvement, so you are going to be undertaking a completely new level of photography when you're finished!

    I don't think there's anything wrong with working on Christmas projects even though it isn't Christmas any more. I am planning on continuing with my Christmas knitting projects, as though I started them long in advance I didn't get anywhere near finishing them. If I start now then it might actually happen lol.

    Try not to feel disheartened when the Christmas decorations come down, my dear. Try to see beauty in other things - as I know you do anyway as you have a real eye for beauty :) I think that's one of the reasons why you are such a talented photographer!


  2. My darling Kit!
    I have only just crept into bed and it's gone 1 a.m!
    What a day.
    I cleaned for the nation lol.
    Very satisfying though...
    We are off to Dublin this weekend, so my poor neglected sewing will be coming with me!
    Kit, thank you for your ever loving words.
    ( Bright red cheeks you gave/give me :)
    You really are the sweetest soul.
    I don't have to look far to see beauty.
    I see it in you.
    Love ever,
    Anita ( Hope you are getting some rest and stitches :)
