Music I love

Sunday, 13 January 2013

The murmuring night

My first.

Finish of twenty thirteen, that is. 

Now I can go back to focusing on Christmas projects for this year.

I haven't got used to writing it yet.  2013....

Christmas seems as far away as ever , doesn't it?

It went by in a blur of glitter and loveliness. 

And then came the cold!

I wish our country was a little more prepared for snow.

I love it!

Last night I opened the windows and looked out at the cold, 

glittering stars.

I loved the night outside the window.

Soon, I hurried back to bed. 

Loving the warmth and the beauty that always lies beneath.

It was so nice to get back into bed with the night outside the window.

Happy Sunday stitching and snowy days to you all 

Anita xxxx


  1. That is a beautiful finish Anita!

  2. It took years Nicola lol xxx

  3. It looks fantastic! You must be really pleased to have it finished at last! xxx
