Music I love

Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow at last

Snow at last!


It's finally arrived.

I plan to watch back to back movies all weekend, eat popcorn and STITCH

until my fingers are numb. 

Happy weekend dear hearts!

Anita xxxx

Sunday, 13 January 2013

The murmuring night

My first.

Finish of twenty thirteen, that is. 

Now I can go back to focusing on Christmas projects for this year.

I haven't got used to writing it yet.  2013....

Christmas seems as far away as ever , doesn't it?

It went by in a blur of glitter and loveliness. 

And then came the cold!

I wish our country was a little more prepared for snow.

I love it!

Last night I opened the windows and looked out at the cold, 

glittering stars.

I loved the night outside the window.

Soon, I hurried back to bed. 

Loving the warmth and the beauty that always lies beneath.

It was so nice to get back into bed with the night outside the window.

Happy Sunday stitching and snowy days to you all 

Anita xxxx

Saturday, 5 January 2013

All of life is a journey

I  said that to my darling husband as we travelled back on the bus from Dublin city centre.

We drove down last night ,

bringing my son and his girlfriend as they were/are travelling on to the USA for a months vacation.

Naturally, I brought my sewing with me.

Have I had time to sew one stitch?


We have been too busy drinking in the sights and sounds of Dublin.

As we travelled back on the bus I was looking out the window

 at the planes flying in to Dublin international airport.

Thinking about how small the world really is.

That all of life really,

is a journey.

I thought of Isobel, in Italy. as I ate this

And looked at, and drank this

I've many more photos to show.

But the internet connection is slower than treacle falling from a spoon.

I'll wish you all a happy Saturday and hopefully some sewing time!

Love and happy stitching,

Anita xxxx

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

~::~ On my to do list ~::~

Everyone is back to work today.

The songs of Birdy are on repeat.

I never like this first week of January.

All the twinkle lights come down and the glitter

seems to disappear.

I've much to do,

the house needs a good tidy up and so does my sewing.

However the poet and songbird in me wants to write first :)

I've  made a decision to keep sewing Christmas projects.

Did I ever get around to showing you my finished chickens?

Here they are ... and sorry it's such a poor shot.

I'm starting a photography course this month so hopefully things will improve. :)

I don't like the cream border. 

I was in a rush at the framers, getting three pieces all framed at once.

I think the cream is too light and robs my sewing of it's true colour.

Ah well, lesson learned.

Next, I think I'll start with this.

I had to buy the threads from the wonderful Sewandso as my local supplier 

( the * only * supplier in this God forsaken city ) didn't carry them.


When I looked at them yesterday they seem a little too * pink*  compared to the finished pattern.

I might just write to Zaza first to confirm I have the right threads.

But first...

this house won't wait a second longer.

Have a great day sewing everyone 

Love and stitches and Birdy songs,

Anita xxxx